Monday, November 11, 2013

Post-Thanksgiving - RI House Show

I'll be playing a set of reimagined 90's pop tunes the night after Thanksgiving at my folks place. I'll be using video samples of cartoons, commercials, movies, and home videos from the 90s. And I'll play a more family-friendly set for family on Thanksgiving who will be at our house, so y'all won't be missing out.

Some more music TBA

Bring whatever Thanksgiving leftovers you want to share!!!

We'll have a fire or something after.

Some good food, some good folks, some good beer (and some not so good beer)- should be a good time, so hope to catch you then!

Contact me for more details

Sunday, November 3, 2013

RIP Henry - 11/2/13

Yesterday my family's bird passed away.  He was really mostly my Dad and brother's bird - but I always enjoyed his company (other than when he was making too much noise when I was trying to listen to something).  He was a frequent singer and would often sing along with whatever I was playing.  I made a song with him around 4 years ago and I decided to revamp this tune a little bit since he was on my mind yesterday and this morning.