And on that note, it's been quite a productive summer. I more or less finished writing a visual album. It'll take a while to put it all together, I'm starting recording next month and my goal is to have it finished by 2017...but the good news is I'll be releasing pieces of it as I make them (which will also hopefully stand alone well and will be fun to put together puzzle style for folks who are into that)...I don't want to give away too much, but I'll be debuting a lot of new material from it in shows coming up.
Speaking of - here's a few shows coming up where I'll be playing a couple pieces from it, "A Story About Love" and "Initiation".
-August 30th - The Funky Jungle in Providence - with LSDV, W00dy, & Sound Shaman
-September 4th - PA's Lounge ...I have no idea who else is on this bill yet...but I'll post more details as I find them out.
Then after that, the set I'm working on for Halloween/Fall is definitely the darkest set I've made so far and super excited to share that as well when the Autumn rolls around.
Thanks again for listening - as long as y'all continue to do so I'll keep playing.
Much love,