So last Sunday on Easter I accidentally formatted my hard drive and then immediately after I got hit by a car while biking without a helmet. It felt like a micro-near death experience for my art/music as well as my life. I had only a minor concussion - but it was really scary and definitely taught me to wear a helmet for things in life (like heads and data and stuff).
Thankfully my brain fully recovered in 24 hours, my body had only a few other minor injuries, and my hard drive was able to be mostly recovered. Through the experience what shook me the most was the thought that I might not be able to continue creating after this (since for a time my short term memory was fucked and I had the fear that somehow this would become the new way I experienced reality from then on) and that I would not be able to release all the work that I had lost on the hard drive. So after this Easter experience, with a new found inspiration, I did all I could and worked from morning to night for an entire week to finish the Twin Peaks project that was on that hard drive so it could have life and exist out there with y’all
I will be releasing this visual album that takes place inside the universe of Twin Peaks on May 5th. The album starts as a re-score of the pilot episode and gradually gets more meta and spirals out in Lynchian fashion.
I joined the improvisational black metal band Voidgod for a performance last night - my hearing is still recovering. Really excited to have been a part of this and hope to be a part of it again in the future. The recording of the performance from last night should be out later this Spring.
As mentioned on here earlier, I took part in the first DRONEZONE performance and that recording is currently available for streaming and download via bandcamp. I’ll also be performing in the next DRONEZONE which will take place June 2nd and 3rd at Trendy Shit Town.
I’ll be playing shows again starting next month. On May 13th I’ll be playing in Providence as a part of the Rites of Passage series put on by the Reliquiarium. The last two years of this series were truly amazing unique and experiences and I look forward to being a part of this again next month and hope to be playing more shows again in the Boston area in the near future.
Much love,
Mike Sim
So last Sunday on Easter I accidentally formatted my hard drive and then immediately after I got hit by a car while biking without a helmet. It felt like a micro-near death experience for my art/music as well as my life. I had only a minor concussion - but it was really scary and definitely taught me to wear a helmet for things in life (like heads and data and stuff).
Thankfully my brain fully recovered in 24 hours, my body had only a few other minor injuries, and my hard drive was able to be mostly recovered. Through the experience what shook me the most was the thought that I might not be able to continue creating after this (since for a time my short term memory was fucked and I had the fear that somehow this would become the new way I experienced reality from then on) and that I would not be able to release all the work that I had lost on the hard drive. So after this Easter experience, with a new found inspiration, I did all I could and worked from morning to night for an entire week to finish the Twin Peaks project that was on that hard drive so it could have life and exist out there with y’all
I will be releasing this visual album that takes place inside the universe of Twin Peaks on May 5th. The album starts as a re-score of the pilot episode and gradually gets more meta and spirals out in Lynchian fashion.
I joined the improvisational black metal band Voidgod for a performance last night - my hearing is still recovering. Really excited to have been a part of this and hope to be a part of it again in the future. The recording of the performance from last night should be out later this Spring.
As mentioned on here earlier, I took part in the first DRONEZONE performance and that recording is currently available for streaming and download via bandcamp. I’ll also be performing in the next DRONEZONE which will take place June 2nd and 3rd at Trendy Shit Town.
In my last update when I said I’d be releasing an EP in 2016…I totally lied - sorry about that. BUT, I promise that it’ll be coming out this year. The EP is entirely recorded and mixed and is currently being master by Brady Custis of Coaches (who mixed this EP as well as did some mixing and the mastering for the Twin Peaks visual album). Excited to share it with y'all this summer.
I’ll be playing shows again starting next month. On May 13th I’ll be playing in Providence as a part of the Rites of Passage series put on by the Reliquiarium. The last two years of this series were truly amazing unique and experiences and I look forward to being a part of this again next month and hope to be playing more shows again in the Boston area in the near future.
Much love,
Mike Sim