Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tonight's Radio Set is Cancelled

The live set on WRIU is cancelled due to difficulties with using the live room tonight.  However, we are hoping to reschedule it for sometime in the near future.  I'll still be hanging out tonight on The Killa B's THREE Hour Radio-Hour on WRIU (90.3 FM) at 9:00 PM and might slip in a short 90's DJ set later on in the night - So feel free to still tune in on your radio dial or on your computer and have a great turkey day tomorrow!

More show dates coming soon.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Music Therapy & Landau Kleffner Syndrome: A Case Study


Next Saturday on November 17th I'll be presenting a case study at the Passages Music Therapy Conference.  The case study follows a young girl diagnosed with Landau Kleffner Syndrome (a rare, childhood neurological syndrome that is characterized by aphasia and an abnormal electroencephalogram) through over a year of individual and group music therapy sessions.  She is one of the most musical, funny, and unique people that I have ever met in my life and presenting about the work we've done is going to be way too much fun.  I'll be sharing some of the music (audio and video recordings) we have made as well as some of the techniques I've used in sessions to work with her scripting and to approach song-writing and recording with someone whose abilities with language are severely impacted.  Working with her in music has taught me many things as a clinical and I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to share some of some of the music that we've created - so if you are free on November 17th come on down to Lesley to check it out as well as the other presentations that will be happening there during the day.  I'll be presenting from 3:30-4:30 - feel free to contact me for more details! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

First Show

Wow, last night was such as a blast.

It was my first solo show since I was in high school (back when I was butchering ATDI covers and such) and I couldn't have asked for a better environment and vibe for it.  Thank you all so much for coming out last night, for listening, and for all your support and feedback.  And again I apologize for all the technical difficulties last night (I figured out a lot of what was going on this morning - so it should be all set for the next show for sure).  When I started this solo project this past summer I had no intention of playing live - and last night affirmed that I want to continue doing this, so if you keep listening I'll keep making more music.  I've got a lot of ideas for new stuff live which I'm really pumped to try out - I test ran an unfinished one last night, which seemed to be the best received out of the set, so I'll definitely keep throwing more of the new stuff at you.

The Kaleidoscope EP CDs are now for sale (5$) - so if you want one let me know so I can get one to you!  And it's still available for free download on bandcamp.

(photo courtesy of Heather L. Cristiano)

Thank you again to We Avalanche (keep and ear out for their new record "Time Travels" - it's going to kick a whole lot of ass) and The Dwells for playing and Brandon and Gabby for hosting - you guys rock my socks.

I'll be updating here about more upcoming gigs in the near future.  As far as the next one on my calendar I'll be performing on The Killa B's THREE Hour Radio-Hour on WRIU 90.3 FM on November 21st (9 PM).  As it gets closer I'll post more details.

So much love to you all,


Thursday, November 1, 2012

CD Release Show Postponed for November 9th

Sorry for the late notice, but we are pushing the show back to next Friday.  Unfortunately the hosts of the show got stuck in NYC because of the hurricane.  Luckily they are totally safe and well and all the same bands can still play the show!  So if you can all make it out next Friday instead, then it'd be awesome to see there.  It will be the same time, same place, still free, and it's going to kick ass.

And you'll get to meet this guy if you haven't already.